Select your membership options.
Compass Individual
Two votes at New Collection Acquisitions Dinner; $1,000 of which is tax deductible and goes to CAM's General Operating ($820) and Acquisitions ($180); with ($200) for COMPASS programs and special events. Eight Admission Guest Passes
Compass Couple
Three votes at New Collection Acquisitions Dinner; $1,600 of which is tax deductible and goes to CAM's General Operating ($1,300) and Acquisitions ($300); with ($400) for COMPASS programs and special events. Ten Admission Guest Passes
Compass Corporate
Four votes at New Collection Acquisitions Dinner; $4,600 of which is tax deductible {$750 to Acquisitions, $3,910 to CAM’s General Operating}; with ($400) for COMPASS programs and special events. Twelve Guest Passes
Enter the names to include on the membership.